"Don’t panic!"


Teacher Wen Shao was very natural and unrestrained. He swept a little rocket with his fingers and went out.
Deng Wei, a martial arts stage, reached for the ground auto show in front of him with an attack posture.
"auto show classmates, if this were actual combat, you would have been killed."
The auto show looks a little ugly.
Instead of accepting Deng Wei’s kindness, he got up by himself.
"Come again!"
Deng Weiba, as soon as he was ready to fight, walked to the fixed position and said, "Auto Show classmates, this time I will give you one second before you make a move to give you a chance to attack."
The auto show bit its teeth and shook its head. "No!"
Teacher Wen shouted, and at the same time, there was a strong spirit fluctuation at the auto show. In less than half a second, the small rocket was already formed and bombarded Deng Wei faster than before.
This speed is fast.
The car show Deng Wei is 1 meter away.
Deng Wei also said that he would do it until the extraordinary rocket of the auto show exploded.
A short figure suddenly rolled sideways, and then fell to the ground with a flying foot and kicked the auto show to the ground again.
At this time, the extraordinary small rocket just flew over Deng Wei’s position.
It took less than a second for the extraordinary rocket to fly out of Deng Wei and fall to the ground at the auto show.
The whole mysterious classmate was in shock.
The most talented and powerful in the first year of Mystery College of Auto Show.
However, Deng Wei, a freshman in the same grade, is simply vulnerable.
"Auto Show classmate, you were killed again."
At the auto show, the lips are tight and the face is ugly.
Is it so fragile?
"Students, this is the significance of this practical demonstration class, and the dilemma facing the auto show will also be that you will face difficulties for life in the future.
Of course, it’s not that our mystery is not strong enough, but that our strength needs the right environment to play.
This requires students to think according to their own strength changes.
In recent years, students still need to experience this kind of actual combat more.
There may be frustration, but for the future, this kind of actual combat can greatly reduce your mortality and injury probability, and you can have a clearer understanding of actual combat.
Ok, are there any students who will challenge Deng Wei to make a practical demonstration? If not, give Deng Wei a farewell. "Teacher Wen Shao made a summary.
Wen Shao’s voice just landed, and Deng Wei was forced to look at the platform again, but also said to Wen Shao
"Teacher Wen mysteriously appeared this year, a freshman student who hung himself to the limit. I watched the video and he was really good.
If there is an opportunity, I really want to retire for a practical exercise, "said Deng Wei.
Auto show rubbing sore waist across the slow platform
Taiwan students looked at Xu back again.

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