"Tell everyone that the boss told us to stay calm. Only by staying calm and clear-headed can we win the next game. If a good goal is blown, then we can score another good goal!"


"Tell everyone that the boss told me to calm down and let the other side be calm so that we can score more goals!"
"Tell everyone to calm down! Only when you are calm can you get revenge! We must score a goal so that they can’t jump wrong! "
"Tell everyone that this is what the boss said-calmness will make revenge more prosperous. This is our territory and Juventus will never be allowed to run wild here!"
The more out of shape, but the central idea has not changed, that is revenge.
This good goal was blown to the end, but it didn’t hurt the morale of Lazio players. On the contrary, it made them angry and always won and asked them to calm down.
There is no contradiction between the two. They calm down, seal up the fire of anger, consume it inappropriately, and break through the ice when it is most needed! Burn all enemies!
Every Lazio player knows in his heart that they are 100% sure, sure … Juventus is in trouble. Juventus is definitely in trouble!
Chapter 57 Do you have the power to change
The game resumed and soon returned to normal.
If you only play the ladder now … Ah, if you don’t watch the plane, you won’t know anything about the controversial scene just now on the court.
Juventus, as always, wantonly used offside tactics on the pitch.
They have reason to fear that the referee is on their side
Lazio have rarely encountered such referee problems in the game before, because they have not really threatened Juventus.
Now it’s time for them to compete directly with Juventus. If they win, they will surpass Juventus and become the first in the league.
This is a direct threat to Juventus.
Then it is normal for this to happen.
A player and coach in Serie A should know this very well.
Speaking of Juventus Inter Milan fans may have more to say.
The problems of Serie A referees are endless, which is not made up. Otherwise, how could the "word gate" break out after half a year?
Although seemingly resigned, the fire in the heart of every Lazio player is burning in the ice.
They are just waiting for a suitable opportunity for generate to come out.
Lazio frequently went straight to Juventus to create offside pairs.
So it seems that Lazio has no good chance to attack.
Changsheng finally made the first adjustment.
Chang Sheng took advantage of a dead ball opportunity to call david silva to the scene. After making sure that Juventus still made offside with fear, Chang Sheng came up with countermeasures.
When david silva played for Valencia C team, he probably never thought that he would do so well in the Italian League. He started every game and was absolutely core.
He thought it would be good to be able to play football under the boss.
I didn’t expect myself to become the boss’s most trusted core.
After Peruzzi’s absence due to a back muscle strain, Silva became the team’s most played player.
And his grades are excellent.
Five goals, four assists in the league, four goals and two assists in the UEFA Cup and Toto Cup.
David silva, a Spanish player, is fast, flexible, skilled and sharp.
He is a player who breaks the balance on the court, and his breakthrough often becomes the inevitable skill of the opponent.
Now Chang Sheng needs his personal skills to break the deadlock.
The direct ball was stopped by Juventus, but because Juventus made offside, there was often a big white zone behind their defense line, which was profitable.
Since the ball can’t send the football where it needs to go, take it!
Ever-victorious will just call david silva over and say this thing.
He encouraged david silva to dribble more, pass more people and break more.
Of course, with him, other Lazio players will also help her. For example, they will run more actively and confusedly, which will make Juventus even more confused.
This set of things is practiced by the team in normal training. It is necessary to let the players know that they have to cooperate with david silva to break through and pull it out for him. Just let david silva be a dragon.
"When football is at your feet, David, you have to believe that you can change the whole world. You are the protagonist and center of the whole stage! Don’t be afraid of Italian chain defense. You have the ability to crush them! I believe you! "
Winning these words david silva clenched his fist.
It sounds childish to change the whole world, but it is suitable for young Silva because he really believes in himself, but his feet can change the world and he can become a world-famous star!
"The Italian League is the best defensive league in Europe. Many world-class stars have suffered from Waterloo here, but David, I believe you can go to Italy with your feet!"
Then Changsheng slapped Silva on the back of david silva and rushed to the court like a clockwork car.
With Silva’s re-appearance, everyone has to cooperate with Silva’s instructions and they are quickly spread all over the team.
So everyone knows what to do.
The so-called layman watches the excitement and watches the doorway.
The layman may not see anything.
But in the eyes of people who know the ropes, Lazio players are running more actively. They are running more and the rhythm of the ball is accelerated.
Capello is a doorman.
Lazio accelerated his Rome-Lazio derby.
He used to be the head coach of Rome, and he knows what the strength of Rome is. It is also a quasi-giant, and its strength is not to be underestimated.
But it is such a powerful Rome that it was beaten by Lazio at home.
It’s very ugly to fight back
Capello watched the game live. He didn’t go to the Olympic Stadium in Rome, but he watched the whole game in front of the TV at home.
Roma were able to compete with Lazio and even scored a controversial goal.
But when Lazio was quick, Rome’s resistance to Lazio came to nothing.
Soon Rome couldn’t keep up with Lazio’s speed, and finally lost the ball in a row, which was the result of Rome’s exhaustion of physical strength and self-abandonment.
So Capello knows that when Lazio speed up, it is a very dangerous thing.
On the one hand, Lazio is not the fastest player, and there is no real sense of being fast among them.
Even david silva and Zema are not the fastest.

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