Even if Tang Yu Zhou Qian, he let them go back.


Now he is going to explore the aura spring and find the stone inside.
The reason for sending Tang Yu away is very simple.
Because there is a radish eating food around Tang Yu.
If radish finds this aura spring, it will definitely eat the lingshi inside.
Muhai came to the built house and released his divine knowledge. After confirming that no one was there, he stretched out his arm and inserted it into the soil to squeeze out a cave that a single person could pass through.
Muhai went in without thinking.
Like a snake, he made his hands squeeze the soil just enough for himself to get into.
In this way, Muhai has been going to
"Shout …"
The more you go, the stronger the wind is.
Muhai smiled at the corner of his mouth. He knew he was coming to the ground.
"Bang …"
Muhai squeezed the soil and opened the cave.
As soon as he stretched out his head and saw the scene, he backed off immediately.
On the other side is a cave nearly 100 meters high, from which the wind comes out.
Mu Hai secretly loses his mind. It’s not good to retreat if a person widens the root of a cave.
"Ah …"
Muhai slipped his hands, and one of them didn’t grasp it and fell.
"Bang …"
A loud noise is like falling into a pool.
Fortunately, he is physically strong, and there is nothing wrong with him. If ordinary people fall so high, they will be disabled.
"Wow, this is Reiki Liquid, which is really great."
Muhai looked at the pool and his eyes were transparent.
If it’s not self-cultivation, it’s magic power. I really want to take a big breath
"Great. Go to the bottom of the spring."
Muhai said to himself that he got into Lingquan.
His body dived rapidly.
Lingquan is not deep, less than 5 meters, and it will soon be in the end.
When I saw a few pale blue luminous stones at the bottom of Lingquan, I felt poor and happy in the sea.
Hold out the palm of your hand and grasp a lingshi in your hand.
A total of one yuan
Each piece is different in size.
If the total number of reiki is calculated by weight, it should be 1 kg reiki.
How much better than Reiki Beads?
Lingshi is different, although these pieces are all different, but its rich aura content makes mulberry bark dust.
Even the original jadeite stone can be compared with it.
"Great, I can refine a lot of pills with these lingshi." Muhai received this 1kg lingshi in the ring.
Then he drilled out the spiritual spring.
Muhai shook his head secretly after seeing the 100-meter man coming into the cave
Now I can make a hole by myself.
Chapter 194 An alchemist [Night]
Muhai looked up at the surrounding rock wall beside Lingquan.

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