I suddenly asked, "Yu Gong?"


When the other party doesn’t respond, he will cry and say, "Fool?"
Brother Yu turned around and burped and said, "Hiccup … Little fish, where is this?"
I can’t talk for a while. What a fool!
I will not care, but a limited dead horse will be a living horse, and the story will be told to the foolish brother.
Brother Yu laughed. "Isn’t it just a mountain?"
Yu Huifei said with surprise, "Is there a way?"
Brother Yu waved his hand and said, "You wait for me to sober up!"
I will not be "@ # ……… MMP ~!"
Brother Yu and Uncle Yu are two concepts. Uncle Yu owns moving mountains and tearing them down. That’s the captain of the demolition team of the heavenly people, but brother Yu picks up girls.
At this moment, I can’t see the figure from the corner of my eye!
He turned his head to see three people jumping out from behind a stone not far away, with guns in their hands.
I said, "You can’t handle these three, can you?"
A wine bottle smashed the head of a immortal Taoist like a cannonball.
The other party screamed and lay directly …
The remaining two people hurriedly shot the fool and laughed. As soon as they got up the strength, their muscles swelled and they rushed directly into the valley like a human shield.
What’s the matter with the tinkling of his body?
Two breaths, two people caught by the foolish brother and threw them at him.
I will not kick two people’s legs off with one foot and ask, "Where are the immortal Taoist priests?" Say! "
These two people are not car-scrapping, but they will be depressed if they have more than one mouth.
They talked a lot about Russian in the room, and I couldn’t understand it. He regretted not bringing that Mao Mei with a mouthful of Northeast dialect.
At this time, the foolish brother came over. "Little fish, what are they talking about? Don’t understand. "
I will not just want to explain when I see a flash of light in one person’s eyes. When I move away, I will kick another person’s face with one foot and get bloody.
Then I will break the other leg directly from the stone and shout, "Will you talk or not?"
While asking him, Bai often turned to that man, which was a beating, short bones and screams.
I can’t help shivering when I see another person’s hair all over.
This one here was beaten by Yu Huifei, and I can hardly see the human form. Yu Huifei shook his hands and looked at another one. "It’s your turn to say or interrupt your bones and choose for yourself …"
The other person’s eyes flashed with hesitation.
I’ll fight if I go directly unless I’m sure.
The other party quickly said in Chinese, "Don’t hit me!"
I will have to ask "say it quickly"
"In the mouth of the rock giant over there!" The man pointed to the distant way
I will not look into the distance where the giant’s head is located.
"I said don’t hit me, okay?" Na humanity
I will have to laugh. "There are cowards like you in Changshengdao?"
The man shook his head and said, "I’m not a Taoist immortal. I’m a mercenary. They gave us money and we helped them. I didn’t expect this to be so weird. I wouldn’t have come if I had known earlier."
Yu Huifei was startled that the other party was a mercenary.
But it doesn’t matter. Anyway, it’s not a good bird for the other person to try to kill him as soon as they meet.
I will be too lazy to call on him for life and death, so I ran in the direction of the head of the rock giant.
This mountain is really big enough. The huge mountain keeps attacking and shaking badly, but compared with the two people in the mountain, it is like doing a swing. Although it shakes, it is acceptable.
After running for a while, Brother Yu disappeared.
I will not go alone.
Just then Du Jiyin came, "How’s Boss Yu?"
I will not answer, "I’m still looking for those turtle grandchildren!"
Du Ji said, "Aren’t you going to tear down the mountain?"
I will not answer, "I have drunk too much!"

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