The strongest trial, the third trial, only a few hundred people entered here, and they were born in different places like the first.


They are surrounded by a light white aperture, and there is a countdown at the top.
"Here is …"
Chaos and order are fragmented like a mirror to build a vast galaxy, which is a tidal grey storm that cracks and closes black gaps from time to time.
It’s like a piece of paper crumpled and full of cracks.
Their tester is just a trivial piece of paper, and if they are not careful, they will be mixed with meat.
"This is a high position!"
A demigod has set foot in this area.
It’s too dangerous here, but nothing is valuable except turbulence and annihilation storm.
Half-gods rarely step into this heavy burden unless they have to hurry.
"This trial is also a big melee, but the way of fighting in this environment is very different from the first one. The real danger comes from the trial environment!"
"That is to say, the gap between myth and demigod will be greatly reduced, and whether you can win or not, personal combat wisdom will occupy a greater proportion."
"In addition, luck can’t be too bad!"
A demigod who set foot here quickly analyzed the myth and formed a general plan in his mind.
At this time, the countdown was over, and the white aperture of the testers suddenly disappeared.
The breeze came with annihilation.
"Lying in the trough!"
There is a myth that if you don’t examine your cheek for a while, there will be a ferocious wound.
This little gray wind almost penetrated his head.
The experimenters showed their magical powers and kept hiding from the storm and annihilating it.
But one of the experimenters was unlucky, and when he stepped on the wrong place, he suddenly lost his mind and set off a high gray storm.
Myth is put out by a storm after a struggle, like a moth in flames.
There is a demigod supporting the sky and the earth, but the storm attack method is visible to the naked eye. How long will it last?
There are also some testers.
The sunrise demigod throws a precious palace-like booby trap. He drives the booby trap like a boat in a storm, but the boat will not be damaged.
His eyes narrowed.
"It is not impossible for this environment to defeat and eliminate an ancient god reincarnated in a demigod."
There are more than a dozen ancient gods reincarnated in the trial. They were not so thorough when they fell in their previous lives, or they left their successors. When they returned this life, they took charge of great power early.
The reincarnation of the ancient gods in the mythical realm and the semi-divine realm is about half and half.
In the first and second time, the sunrise demigod fought with the reincarnated ancient god, and in the second place, he lost.
"If you don’t want to hunt a hero, you will hunt a stronger reincarnated ancient god!"
"In the second trial, it was given that hunting the reincarnated ancient gods in the semi-divine land in the first echelon can get the most record points."
"Slaughtering a statue is among the best!"
Someone is going to hunt the strong.
Someone will look down on the weak.
More testers are constantly avoiding turbulence and are struggling to get familiar with the card environment.
Elohi and other myths about paying the fire are equally dangerous when they come to the grotesque high-level virtual environment, but they have experienced the high-level virtual environment in the battle tower earlier, and then they will calm down and shuttle through the gap of the experience storm.
This is not a square tutor, but a common battlefield.
More familiar than the myth of burning fire, this place is an ancient god reincarnated.
They are like fish in the water.

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导语:桑拿,这个源自北欧的传统养生方式,近年来在上海悄然兴起,成为都市人追求健康生活的新宠。本文将带你走进上海的桑拿世界,探秘这一独特的文化现象,感受一场文化与健康的交融之旅。 一、桑拿的历史渊源 桑拿起源于芬兰,已有数千年的历史。最初,芬兰人将石头放在篝火中加热,然后进入一个用树皮搭建的房间中,利用高温和蒸汽来清洁皮肤、消除疲劳。随着时间的发展,桑拿逐渐成为一种独特的文化现象,流传至世界各地。 二、上海桑拿的特色 1. 地域特色 上海的桑拿与北欧传统桑拿有所不同,融合了中西方文化元素。上海的桑拿场所通常分为干蒸房、湿蒸房、桑拿房、冲浪区等,满足不同人群的需求。 2. 时尚氛围 上海的桑拿场所大多位于繁华的商业区,装修风格时尚现代,环境优雅舒适。在这里,你可以一边享受桑拿,一边欣赏城市美景,感受都市生活的快节奏。…