"Everyday delicacies collect money and sit in the office? Can you fucking hold a gun? " Through the war slowly walked to come over, ignore the counter-terrorism compound has sounded the alarm at the moment.


"Through the war through the war you have an accident …!" When the battalion chief explained in a hurry that he hoped to delay.
Li Zhan bent down and took out his cell phone from the captain’s pocket and squatted in front of him and said, "Who told you to find me? Call him!"
"I …!"
If you don’t talk to each other during the war, you will shoot him in the stomach.
The battalion chief was convulsed with pain, picked up the words with his left hand, pressed the screen lock and nodded again and again, saying, "Han Fei Han Fei asked me to find you!" "
Through the war got up and looked down at the battalion chief and said, "I won’t find the gun and car to kill you!" !”
Battalion chief was stuck.
After the war, he turned away and pulled the trigger backwards with his right hand.
Three shots fired, deputy director, and the first-class captain died in the street!
Li Zhan quickly turned along the street and dialed Han Fei’s words in his left hand.
"hello? ! Where have you been? "
"I’m Li Zhan. He’s dead!"
“……!” Han Fei was shocked
"Fuck you, listen to me. I know about you, but I won’t call the police. I’ll kill you alone for three days!" Hang up the phone directly by throwing a sentence during the war.
Hotel Han Fei sat in the same place. "He … his mother was killed by the battalion chief?"
Several private cars on the periphery of the construction site in Xinyuan District stagnated. Qin Yu waved his hand at Ding Guozhen and others with on-site investigation gloves and shouted, "Look for three triangular stones along the rut marks!"
in half an hour
Lao Li suddenly took the words to drink and asked, "What? ! The captain of the anti-terrorist brigade was killed? Who did it? "
"calendar war!"
“……!” Lao Li was silent for a long time. "I know him."
"The wrath of the General Administration of Fengbei has been sent," the other party replied in a hurry.
After a short silence, Lao Li immediately said, "This little soldier can help me first!"
After talking for five minutes, Lao Li hung up the phone and turned to the old ray from outside the area and said, "You should leave and go outside the area."
"Don’t make up for the Wangs?" Lao Lei asked
"The death of a child is definitely not enough to determine the situation of the Wangs. Lao Wang has the ability to deal with this problem." Lao Li shook his head and said softly, "I still have big cards to play! !”
Chapter 11 Crush big room anger
The conflict between the big room and the three rooms in Xinxiang Wang’s compound has reached the point of bright guns. Come and help people to recognize Wang Zongtang’s roots and not to come to Liuzhou to help these people, and the big room over there can’t give in because of the death of Wang Tianna. The two sides have risen from verbal confrontation to physical collision
"Get out!"
"Wang Zongtang what the fuck do you mean? Your son killed Tiannan and you still want to kill me? " The weak female mother has just lost her mind. Don’t say that there are several guns pointed at her at this moment. Even if Sanfang pulls the cannon out, she can’t be as calm and crazy as Wang Zongtang.
"You try another one!" Tianhui’s mother caught Xiaoqin’s hair when she knew that her man could not fight with her. "… if you touch my husband again, I’ll kill you."
"Go to Nima!"
Xiaoqin’s younger brother punched Tianhui’s mother with red eyes and shouted, "I’ll kill you!" "

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