Chapter 971 crush!


The cold sound blooms, and the emperor has a cold war inexplicably!
Li Xuandao shattered the dragon body sword perfusion department spirit will blow is earth-shattering, his body has not cut out nearly ten thousand meters virtual has blurred as if unable to bear the sharp momentum faint want to fracture.
Even Lin Zhen did not dare to take a photo of Feng’s face slightly changing and retreating towards the distance.
"What magical power is this?"
A thousand bones emperor was so frightened that it was hard to keep calm any longer. He suddenly rose from the throne of bones and became an unbreakable shield to protect him from the wind.
Then Li Xuandao moved.
He’s like a sword that blocks the killing of the deity and Buddha, and he won’t stop until he kills the enemy! Violent murder and powerful force have left a long trace on the sky tearing waves.
From a distance, a sword will tear the whole sky, and it will be too empty to smash.
Suddenly the world shook.
The dark clouds suddenly dispersed as if they had been pierced by a poor firm but gentle shock wave, and the eternal peak was as high as 3,000 feet. The palace collapsed into pieces, and the sharp sword light burst out. It was only the aftermath that killed thousands of devil brothers. However, it was strange that these sword lights were stabbed and met the practitioners in the temple and the punishment city, and there was a spiritual circle that didn’t hurt the slightest.
No words can shape this sword.
At this moment, everyone stopped fighting and looked at Li Xuandao’s impressive sword. Even Lin Zhentian’s face showed a very horror expression.
"How can Li Xuandao display such a horrible magical power with four layers of strength?"
Thousands of bones are restless. Although he has cast his bones to resist the gas, his heart is still not very sure. The momentum of Li Xuandao’s sword is really terrible. I am afraid that even the world barrier can’t resist it.
As if nothing in front of this sword can resist despair.
Thousands of unique bone emperors spit out a sigh and want to use their magical powers to strengthen their defense again, but this time they can’t come to see the sword cut and crack, and they are swallowing the horror shock wave as easily as cutting tofu. Soon, the momentum of the giant sword is not reduced, and it is like a sword to return to the ancient wilderness for the first time.
In a flash, everything is lost.
There is a huge dragon sword left in the whole world.
This sword is like a long river that runs through several imaginary cuts. When his eyes fell on the dragon sword, this sword had already severely cut him off.
A crunchy sound
Thousand unique bone emperor let out a deep roar huge body suddenly maser out.
Seeing that three ribs in his chest have been cut off by Jigen, the remaining bones have risen several times, as if they could burst at any time.
"Thousands of bones are dead!"
Li Xuandao’s hand gesture is unforgiving.
Once again, the giant dragon sword was beheaded with the wind and fire all over the sky.
"Li Xuandao, get out of here!"
Thousands of unique bone emperor eyes jack-o’-lantern skyrocketed and suddenly burst into a pale flame with one hand. These flames were very strange, but they were cold without high temperature, and even the surrounding emptiness seemed unbearable and were faintly frozen
However, Li Xuandao’s dragon sword swept through the horror shock wave, which not only cut out the pale inflammation, but also cut off the whole right arm of the unique bone emperor with a sword.
Seeing this scene, all the onlookers gasped at qi qi.
This Li Xuandao how so fierce, even fierce wei hehe thousand unique bone emperor is no match?
Even some devil brothers were frightened to death. When others were not looking, they quietly retreated and tried to escape.
At this moment, day
Li Xuandao’s arrogance killed thousands of bones and emperors.
No matter what magical power Qian Jue Gu Huang uses to resist the terror of the Dragon Sword, the shock wave is just like a dummy resistance.
Blink of an eye thousand unique bone emperor was Li Xuandao cut off his arms. Even the top of his head was cut out three times. The sword mark runs through the brain. Even through the gap of the sword mark, you can faintly see the soul of the thousand unique bone emperor.
"Where did Yao Guang, the official of the Millennium Bone Emperor, go? What happened in ancient times?"
"Will you say it or not?"
"Mom always tore down your old bones to see if you can keep your mouth shut?"
At this moment, Li Xuandao is like a madman. His eyes are red and he lays down his life to attack.
He made a fierce move and made a deadly imitation. If Qianjue Bone Emperor refused to help him solve his doubts, he would completely slay the other party.

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